Well, Matt and I made it through our first Christmas as a married couple. We went to Matt's mom's house the Sunday before Christmas for her party. It was fun to get to spend time with his mom and Boyd, Nanny and his cousins. We then went to my mom's house on Christmas Eve. It was so much fun to see everyone and get to spend time with all my sisters and nieces and nephew (we missed you Blair and Heidi). We tried really hard to get everyone to play our new "Scene It - Squabble", but with all the kids running around, it seemed like it was me against all the boys. We still had a blast, and for once we all had a spot on my moms new HUGE couch.
It was a lot of fun to have Matt's family over to our house on Christmas day. It made things really easy and relaxed for us. We usually spend our Christmas running from house to house, and this was the first year that we really were able to enjoy ourselves. Matt had a blast watching me rock out on my new Guitar Hero, and I had a lot of fun watching him play with all of his new tools and cordless drill.
We couldn't have asked for a better Christmas. I hope next year will be just as great!