Monday, April 23, 2012

5 Months!

Maelynn turned 5 months old last week! I can't believe how fast the time is flying! She is getting so big, and doing so many new things. She has turned into a chatty little lady! She has babbled for a little while now, but this last weekend she started saying "Da, Da, Dadda. . ." It is so fun to hear her learn new sounds. So far she has said "Ma, Ya, Da, Ba" I'm pretty sure that's all the consonant sounds she has learned. Way fun!!
She has mastered rolling from her belly to her back, but has yet to roll from her back to her belly. I think it's because she hates being on her belly, so why would she ever want to roll from her back to her belly?
She is currently working on sitting up unassisted. She is doing pretty good, but still needs work with her balance from side to side. It is exciting to see her do so many new things.

So many things have happened since the last time I posted. I have been so busy with work, but now that I'm off track I need to update you guys with the latest.

To celebrate Maelynn turning 3 months old, we took her to FotoFly to have some family pictures taken. They did such an amazing job! It was so hard to pick our favorites from the whole batch of pictures, there were so many great ones! Here are a few of our favorites.

On March 4th we had Maelynn blessed. She was gorgeous in her long white dress. My dad gave the blessing, and our family and friends were able to be there. It was such a special day. My mom and dad had everyone over to their house afterward for food. It was the perfect day for such a sweet angel. 

Maelynn in her dress
I just had to take a picture of what was under the dress. So sweet!!   
We celebrated Maelynn's first Easter by visiting the Easter bunny at South Towne Mall. She loved him!! She patted his fur, and loved looking at him. It was darling! I'll have to post the picture with the Easter bunny later since I don't have it on my computer, but here are a few pictures of her while we were waiting in line to see him.

Easter at Grandma and Grandpa Postma's house.

This last weekend Matt, Maelynn and I went to St. George with my parents and spent a few days at their house. It was a lot of fun! We took Maelynn there when she was about 6 or 7 weeks old, and it was a whole new experience to have her 5 months old. She was so much fun! We went shopping with Grandma, went to the swimming pool, and she even sat on the grass for the first time. It was a vacation of a lot of firsts, and she was such a trooper. She never cried! The whole time we were dragging her from store to store, or from place to place, she was so easy going. It was great!
Cute Maelynn hanging by the pool!!
My mom has all the pictures from the trip, so I'll have to post more later.