Monday, June 13, 2011

It's a GIRL!!!

I had my 19 week ultrasound today. It was probably the most exciting moment of my life so far. Here's the whole story:

Here's the picture showing that it's a girl.
I had heard that drinking orange juice will make the baby more active during the ultrasound, so I bought a bottle of orange juice and drank it about an hour and 15 minutes before my appointment. As the ultrasound technician started the ultrasound, the baby was definitely sleeping and curled up in a little ball (head down - face right on my bladder). The ultrasound tech said "Ah, right now we can't see anything to give us a hint as to what the gender will be, but we'll take some measurements and come back to see if it moves at all." She continued on with the ultrasound and the baby slept the time away. I made a silly comment saying, "come on baby - move around!" and right then the baby lifted its hand up right in the view of the ultrasound and gave us a thumbs up. Totally cute!

Here's the face profile
Baby started moving around a little bit, legs and arms, and finally switched position so that it was face up, sitting on my bladder. It was then that the ultrasound tech said, "OK, last minute predictions?" and I stuck with my gut and said that it was going to be a boy, and Matt jumped on that wagon as well. Then she told said, "Nope, it's a GIRL!!" I was totally speechless and started bawling! It's crazy how fast knowing the gender makes this entire process become complete reality. All I could think about was having this beautiful little girl in my arms. . . I can hardly wait!

This picture made me laugh . . .she totally looks like skeletor. :)
Everything looked great and normal through the rest of the ultrasound, and she even laid back, and kicked up her legs at the end of the ultrasound. Our technician said, "wow, you are going to have a very mellow little girl."

Here's is our mellow little girls legs. . .totally kicked out, just enjoying the ride.

During the middle of the ultrasound, when the tech was showing us the blood flow from the umbilical cord, the baby kicked really hard - turning the whole screen red (since it was the part where you can see the blood flow in color) and the tech was surprised that I couldn't feel the kick. Hopefully I will be able to start feeling the kicks in the next few weeks. Yet another thing to look forward to.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

4 Years!!

Matt and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary this past week. I can't believe we have been married for 4 years! Time flies when you are having fun! We celebrated by keeping with the tradition and going back to the scene of the crime. . . Market Street Grill in Cottonwood. Yum!!

This year is sure to be the most exciting, life-changing year of both our lives. We are starting a totally new journey together and couldn't be more excited!

We decided not to make a big deal of our anniversary this year (no gifts) because we want to put money toward the baby furnature that we still need to buy. Matt is becoming very practical and responsible with this new journey, and I love it! He is going to be an amazing daddy!! He did surprise me and buy me a bouquet of flowers. They are gorgeous!!

We find out what our little one is going to be tomorrow, and we are both really excited! I can't wait to actually be able to buy something that is boy or girl. I just hope that baby Goodwin is awake during the ultrasound tomorrow. About a week or so ago I had my 17 week appointment with my doctor and I asked if he would 'peek' to see if it's a boy or a girl. He was darling and said "well, I'm a softy. As long as you don't mind me peeking really fast we can see." I was so excited, but the whole time the baby had its legs crossed and was totally asleep. We got to see the baby suck its thumb though. . . darling!! I'm going to do the tricks that people have told me to do - drink orange juice so that it will be awake and moving - so hopefully that will work.

Wish us luck!!