Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Memory Lane Tag

Memory Lane.... the tag that gets everyone involved. I got this from my cousin Stephanie and I thought I would play the game.
Here's how you play:
1. Add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory of you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Stephers said...

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! I don't know if you will remember this, but when Mike and I got engaged we headed over to you're parent's house so that I could meet them. You were home and came in just for a second to meet me. It was so sweet, I couldn't stop talking about your family on the way home and I remember telling Mike how intimidated I was because you were so beautiful. This may sound cheesy, but it is true! I just love how fun and outgoing your family is. We love seeing you, even if it is only once a year!

Breeeee said...

Mandy! I'm so glad you guys have a blog! i hardly get on myspace anymore either but i check out everyone's blogs everyday... hmmm a memory huh?.. i remember going to your parent's house for a halloween party and Sam was Spongebob! LOL

Trish said...

My favorite memory of you is when you were just a baby and mom broke her finger. I thought you were my baby. I would walk you, feed you, carry you everywhere I went. I was sure you would love me more than mom. I guess I wanted to be a mom even at the age of 8. Who knew? Anyway, I still feel a little protective of you from time to time, but I am proud to say, you turned out great. you are a wonderful sister and I am glad to have you.

Lance and Alayna said...

So, some of my favorite memories are from when we lived together.
1) Our Wal-Mart trips - always an adventure.
2) When we went on an Otter Pop kick, but they weren't the brand name Otter Pops, so I drew faces on them with permanent marker and you and Matt thought I was crazy.
3) Laying out at the pool EVERY weekend that summer - we had GREAT tans!
4) When we asked Matt to buy us toilet paper 'cause we hadn't had time to go to the store and he bought us that really rough RV TP. Man that stuff hurt! - Thx Matt!

Sam and Rachelle said...

First of all - can you believe that it has been over 5 years!!
Our first bonding moment was at the cabin and you literally saved my life while Sam was outside riding a tricycle - smart.....
One of my favorites was when we rented that freaky Demi Moore movie. We thought we were so tough renting a scary movie while the boys were outta town. Not such a great idea, we both were hiding under our blankets all night.