Sunday, June 15, 2008

1 Year later!

Matt and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary last Sunday! We celebrated back where the whole thing started, Marketstreet Grill in Cottonwood. We had dinner and it was fun to see that a wedding was going on down on the patio right where we had our wedding. It was a wonderful night. Matt brought me flowers (gorgeous, but sorry I don't have a picture of them) and he gave me a sweet card. We ate our year old wedding cake, which turned out to be really yummy!!

It has been such a great year! I can't believe everything that has happened. Here is the list:
We went to Mexico on our honeymoon.
We bought a townhouse.
I started teaching school.
Matt fell and sliced up his finger at work. (8 stitches)
Matt went back to school.
I completed my first year of teaching.
Macy had 9 teeth pulled.
Our rude neighbors moved away. YEAH!!
I started training for a half marathon.
Matt has been playing a lot of golf. (of course)
Matt's car was totaled.
We bought a new Xterra.
I turned 25.
I got a new job at a brand new school.
Tami had a baby. (Sarah Mae)

I think that is about all the important things that happened during the time that we have been married. Crazy how time flies when you are having fun!

Here are some pictures from our first year of marriage. Enjoy!

Here we are opening our wedding presents.
Don't you love the paper over our windows! We had just moved into our house.

Here we are on our honeymoon


Amy said...

CONGRATS!!!!!! I can't believe it has been a year where does the time go??

Stephers said...

Hey, I am needing to make my blog private so please send me an e-mail to and I will send you an invite! Thanks.

Lance and Alayna said...

Can you believe it has been a year already!?! I was kind of in shock to be having my 1st anniversary already. It sounds like you guys have had a great 1st year! Congrats!

Sam and Rachelle said...

All that excitement doesn't leave much for year two - maybe that is a good thing!! You forgot to mention surviving the "other" third grade teachers - for a YEAR!! lol.

Stephers said...

I love the new background! Happy One Year!

Sam and Rachelle said...

Yay!! Pictures!! :)

Trish said...

You added more pictures to this post. I love it. It is so fun to look at a year in review. Congrats to you both that you made it. It is all down hill from here :)